Monday, February 13, 2012

Is There a Fundamental Right to Same-sex Marriage?

Same sex marriage is an issue that has been debated for years. Although there are states that allow the said institution, people from all parts of the world continue to attack its existence based on morality.

Is there a fundamental right to same-sex marriage? In many places, the answer lies in legal documents that individuals hold on for its implementation. I have no right to question the people who have been fighting for its legitimacy for years. But I would like to share my views on the issue.

I'll answer the question based on ethics for obvious reasons. The law must stand as it is based on the government that is bound to implement it. In terms of morality, same-sex marriage is not allowed. There are only male and female individuals created by God and they are eligible to get married and build a family. However, same-sex marriage also existed these days. To know more of this topic, visit Legal News.

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