Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Analysis on the Law of Corrections: Abandonment of Hands-off Policy

After the courts abandoned the hands-off policy, what problems did correctional administrators encounter? Hands-off policy is a rule that prohibits correctional personnel to touch any prisoner’s body or property while in prison. The courts abandoned the hands-off policy in an attempt to solve jail crisis. However, several problems occurred to the correctional administrators after the courts abandoned the hands-off policy. First, there were many prisoners who become victims of human rights abuses due to abandonment of the hands-off rule. Second, the administration of prison cells are no longer effective due to myriad problems faced in relation to abandonment of hands-off policy.

There are many prisoners who become victims of human rights abuses due to the suspension of the implementation of the hands-off policy. The primary concern is the human rights abuses done against female inmates due to the abandonment of the hands-off policy. Many women become victims of sexual assault and physical abuse because male prison guards are allowed to have access in their cells or bedrooms in prison. As a result, many women prisoners experienced physical and psychic trauma while in prison. The administration of prison cells also become ineffective due to myriad problems faced in relation to abandonment of hands-off policy. There is an extensive struggle for equal rights for all people in employment and public accommodations. Some correctional administrators are fighting over the rights of women inside the jail while others are fighting over their chance to work in whatever prison cells despite the presence of women inmates. These chaotic situations made the courts not proper venue for correctional programs. Therefore, there is a need to implement hands-off policy for the benefit of women prisoners and in contribution to the effectiveness of correctional administration.

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