Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Criminal Cases Today

There are criminal cases today that I've been following. These cases are huge, interesting yet very degrading. I'm sure you're familiar with these cases.

First, I'm reading about many criminal cases, including that accusation hurled against Shrien Dewani that he is the mastermind of his wife's murder during their honeymoon in South Africa. According to the news, Mrs. Anni Dewani was killed on November 13 in the said country. Until now, finding the real culprit who did the crime is ongoing.

The second criminal case is about Joanna Yeates's murder. Her dead body was found by dog walkers dumped in a snowy lane. There had been many speculations about her death and her parents appeal to the public to help them find the one who killed their daughter.

Third, we'll talk about the Arizona shooting. This is one of the criminal cases today that must be studied upon, especially on it's cause. The suspect, Jared Loughner, was charged by the prosecutors since he tried to to assassinate Gabrielle Giffords. During the incident, a nine-year old child who was born last September 11, 2001 has been killed.


Multibrand said...

Hi there,
Interesting criminal cases.

IBB Solicitor said...

These are all very interesting cases. Do you have any updates on the outcomes yet?

Employment Attorney Boston said...

With all these cases, I wonder of whose opinion wins the case.