Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Maguindanao Massacre

How would you write an article which talks about extreme evil deeds? How would you react to the Maguindanao Massacre? Would you just ignore the issue or ponder on?

Maybe, I would pretend as an alien who happened to hear the news from different print and broadcast media stations. Yes, I could be an alien who wondered why this happened to Maguindanao. The Maguindanao massacre seemed to happen only in that place since in the planet where I came from, there is no stories of gruesome death and massacre. Planet Peaceful is the place where I came from and I am here on earth to listen to stories about unearthed bodies found in the massacre site. I felt that the people hated each other because the killings was done in the most horrible way. As an alien, I understood the feelings of the families of all victims because I would also feel bad if something happens like that to my family back there at Planet Peaceful. I know that there must be a reason for all these.

The theory on the Maguindanao Massacre is that politics is the main reason why it took place. Then, what is politics? Is it the way people interact with each other for the purpose of governance? Is it the chain of events for the administration of political affairs? The, the Philippine government must do something about the Maguindanao Massacre. It has been said that man by nature is a political animal. Then, maybe, the animalistic killings in Maguindanao explains the theory. An alien like me must learn that this world is not a safe place to live.

As of today, 57 dead people has been unearthed in the place where the incident took place. The Maguindanao Massacre was done in such a way that its victims will be buried after being executed. News reports would mention that a hundred people kidnapped the victims and killed them. The victims include women and women who had roles to do in such fateful day had they escaped the brutal killings. Some of them are drivers, journalists, lawyers, housewwives, sons, daughters, and even passersby who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The international community condemned what happened in Maguindanao like the United Nations and other international government organizations and even private individuals. As an alien, I finally understood that hell could be found just anywhere.

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